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Friends Presentation – “Gregorian Chant: Sacred Music from the middle ages and cradle of modern western music” by Tony Vaughan
April 23, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Gregorian Chant is sacred music and its home is ’the chapel’. The presentation by Tony Vaughan, Director of Schola Cantorum of Brisbane will not only discuss the history of chanting but will be authentically illustrated by robed cantors chanting in the wonderful acoustics and atmosphere of the beautiful Abbey Church.
Tony has a lifelong association with Gregorian Chant since singing in his school choir and in church choirs his adult life. He has directed Schola Cantorum of Brisbane for over 20 years and has conducted scores of chant sessions at the Abbey Church.

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Social distancing must be maintained at all times. Please keep a distance of 1.5m from others.
Please use the hand sanitiser stations provided or wash your hands with soap and water regularly.
Please practise good hygiene, this includes coughing and sneezing into your elbow, away from others.
If at any point during the event you begin to feel unwell, please immediately advise the closest staff member.